About Us

kid-soccerOak Tree is a family owned and operated centre. We are a small boutique service that prides itself on being focused on our children and providing them quality education. Being a smaller service we are able to provide a truly focused and tailored program based on your child’s interests and development needs.

Our Educators and approach to learning will give your child the best possible start in their learning with a program designed for each age group. You will be able to watch your child flourish as they hit each of their milestones in our care.

Other classes we provide include:

Music, Dance, Drama and Movement Programs with a specialist music teacher.

Gross Motor for improving awareness, balance and coordination.

Munch and Groove, combining music and movement.

Yoga Classes for a mind, body and health experience that children enjoy.

Multi sports program- Encourages children with a focus on positive self and group talk whilst participating in activities.